No 3 (66) 2014

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Surajit Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri. Session based Core Test Scheduling for Minimizing the Testing Time of 3D SOC
Surajit Roy is with Dept. of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering & Science University, e-mail: Payel Ghosh is with Dept. of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering & Science University, e-mail: Hafizur Rahaman is with Dept. of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering & Science University, e-mail: Chandan Giri is with Dept. of Information Technology, Bengal Engineering & Science University, e-mail: Abstract – Three dimensional (3D) VLSI integration based on through-Silicon-Via (TSV) is an emerging technology. It provides heterogeneous integration, higher performance, bandwidth, and lower power consumption. However, 3D-IC suffers from several challenges. The objective of this paper is to design the test access mechanism (TAM) architecture and test scheduling of different modules of an system-on-chip (SOC) such that the overall test time of that SOC gets reduced. In this paper we have used a session based heuristic approach to solve this problem. Experimental results have been tested on different ITC'02 benchmark SOCs that shows promising results for different TAM width allocation. Keywords – 3D IC testing, test access mechanism, test scheduling. References[1] Unni Chandran and Dan Zhao,"Thermal Driven Test Access Routing in Hyper-interconnected Three-Dimensional System-on-Chip", pages: 410-418, 24th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2009. [2] Chao Zhang, Guangyu Sun, "Fabrication cost analysis for 2D, 2.5D and 3D IC Designs", in Proc. 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), pp. 1-4, 2012 [3] Li Jiang, Qiang Xu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, and T. M. Mak, “Layout-driven test architecture design and optimization for 3D SOCs under pre-bond test-pin-count constraint”, in Proc. of the 2009 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 191-196, 2009. [4] Chi-Jih Shih, Chih-Yao, Chum-Yi Kuo, James Li, Jiann-Chyi Rau, K. Chakrabarty, “Thermal Aware Test Scheduke and TAM Co-Optimization fir Three-Dimensional IC”, in Proc. Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol 2012, 10 pages, 2012. [5] X. Wu, Y. Chen, K. Chakrabarty, and Y. Xie, "Test Access Mechanism Optimization for Core-based Three-dimensional SOCs", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, pp. 212-218, 2008. [6] B. Noia, K. Chakrabarty, S. K. Goel, Erik Jan Marinissen, Jouke Verbree, "Test-Architecture Optimization and Test Scheduling for TSV-Based 3-D Stacked ICs", in proc. of Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, pp. 1705-1718, 2011 [7] Li Jiang, Lin Huang, Qiang Xu,“Test Architecture Design and Optimization for Three-Dimensional SoCs", in Proceedings of Design, Automation & Test Europe Conference & Exhibition, pp. 220-225, 2009. [8] Khan, N.H., Alam, S.M., Hassoun, S., "System-level Comparison of Power Delivery Design for 2D and 3D ICs", in 3D System Integration, pp. 1-7, 2009. [9] Vikram Iyengar and Krishnendu Chakraborty, “Test Wrapper and Test Access Mechanism Co-optimization for System-On-Chip”, In Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), vol. 18, pp. 213-230, April 2002. |
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N.N. Chernyshov, K.T. Umyarov, D.V. Pisarenko. Mathematical Model of Plasma Space for Electronic Technologies
Nikolay Chernyshov is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Microelectronics and Electronic Valves and Devices, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., e-mail: Kamil’ Umyarov is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Foreign Languages, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., e-mail: Dmitry Pisarenko is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Physical Bases of Electronic Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail: Abstract - The paper is devoted to studying the plasma used in technologies of the electronic industry. It gives the characteristic of plasma space on the basis of a system of Maxwell-Boltzmann equations. Solving these equations is represented in the form of Fourier transformation and Green functions. Fluctuation-dissipative theorem and method of Longevin sources for calculating electric filed fluctuations are used. Key words: electric field, correlation functions, fluctuation-dissipative theorem, temperature. References [1] Klimontovich Yu., L., Yakimenko I. P. Statistical theori of molecular systems. M.: MGU, 1980. 226 p. (in Russian) [2] Ishimaru S. Basic principles of plasma physics. M.: Atomizdat, 1975. 288 p. (in Russian) [3] Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M. Statistical physics. M.: Nauca, 1976. vol. I, 584 p. (in Russian) [4] Komarov F.F. Ionic beam and ionic plasma modification of materials. M : MGU, 2005. 640 p. ( in Russian) [5] Udovichenko S. Yu. Beam plasma technologies for modification of construction materials and creation of nanomaterials / Tutorial/. St. Peterburg: GUAP, 2009. 122 p. (in Russian) [6] Golishnikov A.A., Putrya M.G. Plasma technologies in nanoelectronics / Tutorial/. M.:: MIET, 2012. 172 p. (in Russian) [7] Chernyshov N.N., “Studying fluctuations in a kinetic plasma model” // Vistnyk of National Tehnical University “KhPi”. Kharkov: SIEMA, №7, pp. 106-111, 2008. (in Russian) [8] Chernyshov N.N., “Investigating a quasineutral plasma model on the basis of fluctuation-dissipative theorem”, / Radiotechnicam №175, pp. 234-237, 2013. (in Russian) [9] Scott B. Self-consistent drift wave turbulence, paradigm for transport // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, vol. 34, №13, p. 1977, 1992. |
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N.N. Chernyshov, Hansaa A. Ghazi, V.M. Pisarenko, K.T. Umyarov. Studying Physical Processes in Crystals without Inversion Centre
Nikolay Chernyshov is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Microelectronics and Electronic Valves and Devices, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., e-mail: Hansaa A. Ghazi, post-graduate student, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Valves and Devices. Vasily Pisarenko is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Microelectronics and Electronic Valves and Devices, Ukraine; e-mail: Kamil’ Umyarov is with the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Department of Foreign Languages, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., e-mail: Abstract - The paper theoretically investigates the photogalvanic effect in optic transitions between spin subzones of Landau levels within an ultraquantum limit. A geometry is considered when polarization is perpendicular and the electric current is directed along the magnetic field. The effect is caused by cubic terms in the Hamiltonian function, which exist due to the absence of an inversion center. The considered magnetic field relation is of resonance character, the said relation having both odd and even field contributions. Such an effect character is related to the resonance in the intermediate state and interference of second order transition amplitudes in relativistic contributions in the Hamiltonian function. Key words: photogalvanic effect, optic transitions, magnetic field, inversion center, polarization, relativistic contributions, Hamiltonian function, resonance. References [1] Blokh M.D., Magarill L.I. “Theory of photogalvanic effect on free carriers” // PTG, vol. 22, №8, 1980, pp. 2279-2284. (in Russian) [2] Chernyshov N.N. “Theory of transfer phenomena in an electric field for crystals without an inversion centre”// Physical surface engineering, vol. 10, №1, NPTC, Kharkov, 2012, pp. 96-101. (in Russian) [3] Chernyshov N.N. “Photogalvanic effect in crystals without a centre of inversion in view of electron-hole interaction”/All- Ukrainian collected volume // Radiotechnika, № 177, KhNURE, 2014, pp. 94-97. (in Russian) [4] Dember H., “Über einer photoelectromotorische kraft in Kupferoxydul – kristallen” // Phys. Zeit, vol.32, № 14, 1931, pp.554 - 556. [5] Dresselhaus G. “Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Zinc Blende Structures” // Phys. Rev., vol. 100, 1955, pp.580-586. [6] Chernyshov N.N., Slipchenko N.I., Tsymbal A.M., Umyarov K.T, Lukianenko V.L. “The photogalvanic effect within spin resonance in quantizing magnetic field” // Physical surface engineering, vol. 11, №4, NPTC, Kharkov, 2013, pp. 427-430. [7] Y.F. Chern, M. Dobrovolska, et al. “Interference of electric-dipole and magnetic-dipole interactions in conduction-electron-spin resonance in InSb” // Phys. Rev. B., vol. 32, 1985, pp. 890-902. |
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V. V. Barannik, A. V. Vlasov, A. V. Shiryaev. Methodology of Two-Stage Masking Images in Information and Telecommunications Systems
Barannik V.V. is with Kharkov Air Forces University named after Ivan Kozhedub, e-mail: Vlasov A.V. is with Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., 14, e-mail: . Shiryaev A.V. is with Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine, 61166, Kharkov, Lenin Prosp., 14, e-mail: Abstract – The questions of comparative evaluation of the most common methods of concealment. Demonstrates the use of previously-based measures quantify the quality of the detection and localization of the contours to compare methods. The results of the experiment on the use of masking. The need to apply the cascade methodology masking problems in image processing. References[1] Gonsales R.S, Vuds R.E. Digital processing of images. - М: the Technosphere, 2006. - 1072 p. [2] Prieto M.S., Allen A.R. A similarity metric for edge images, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intel. 2003. Vol. 25. № 10, pp. 1265-1273. [3] Hrjashchev D.А. A method for edge detection in digital images.//Management, computer facilities and information, - 2010. - № 2. [4] Website University of California Berkeley, Computer Vision Group. [5] Computer Graphics Lab's Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. [6] Vlasov A.V., Barannik V.V. An estimation of quality of methods of masking of images // Modern special equipment, no. 4 (31), 2012. [7] Vlasov A.V., Barannik V.V. Measures estimation of quality disguise of images. 18 p. [8] A.V.Vlasov, V.V.Barannik Quantitative evaluation of the quality of image masking // IV International scientific - practical conference "Signal Processing and not Gaussian processes" Cherkassy, 2013. |
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O.S. Kulitsa, A.A. Lekakh, R.I. Akimov. Perforated with Technology of Description Massives Differential Representation in Delivery Compressed Images Systems
Kulitsa O.S. is with Academy of fire safety to them. Heroes of Chernobyl, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail: Lekakh with Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: Akimov R.I. is with Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: Abstract – The analysis of the minimum time to transmit video information. As a result, we show that for current and future aerospace monitoring systems using on-board telecommunications video delivery time up to several tens of minutes. This leads to the obsolescence of the information obtained, and the belated adoption of wrong decisions. It is proved that for solving this problem, we propose to use video compression technology. We justify the fact that the representation of an array of the perforation upper level elements in the differential polyadic space provides an additional reduction of combinatorial redundancy. It is shown that to avoid the disadvantages associated with a decrease in the lower limit of the differential polyadic space required for perforating technology further consider the binary mask wavelet elements of the upper and lower levels. Outlines the development of differentiated image compression method for increasing the availability of video data, which is based on the following technology solutions: derivation of images fragments on a combined scheme, the organization perforation arrays in a two-dimensional representation of the differential polyadic space, mask-dimensional block coding scheme. References [1] V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer, “Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols”, Textbook for high schools, - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2006. 958 p. [2] V.V. Barannik, V.P. Polyakov, “Coding transformed images in the information and communication systems”, Kharkov: Air Force University, 2010. 212 p. [3] V. Barannik., V. Hahanov, “Image Encoding Design Based On 2-D Combinatory Transformation”, International Symposium IEEE East-West Design & Test, (Yerevan, Armenia, September 7 – 10, 2007) / Yerevan: 2007. p. 124 – 127. [4] V. Barannik , V.Shynkarev, A. Trofimenko, “Method of processing of the differentiated images of the basic of formation and coding of the nonequilibrium punched numbers”, Proceedings of the Xth International Conference “Modern problems of radio engineering telecommunications and computer science, (Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine, February 23 – 27, 2010) / Lviv: 2010. p. 288. [5] V.V. Barannіk, V.V. Shynkarov, N.F. Sidorenko, “Method kompozitsії perforated nerіvnovazhnih numbers”, Knowledge-intensive technologies, 2012. №1(13). P. 60-63. |
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V.V.Barannik, A.N.Dodukh, V.N. Krivonos. Method for Structure Coding Aperture Image Elements in Infocommunication Systems
Barannik V.V. is with Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: Dodukh A.N. is with Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: Krivonos V.N. is with Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: Abstract – As a result of the conducted analysis of minimum time it is rotined on passing to videoinformation’s, that for the existent and perspective systems of the aerospace monitoring with the use of side facilities of telecommunication it arrives at a few ten of minutes. It results in the obsolescence of the got information, acceptance of the belated and erroneous decisions. It is grounded, that for the decision of this problem it is suggested to utilize technologies of compression of videoinformation. It is rotined that existent technologies of compression on the basis of preliminary exposure of apertures, based on separate treatment of their constituents, that leads the decline of degree of compression of images. Forming of compact presentation of fragment of image is developed. Information technology of compression of images is created on the basis of the generalized encoding coordination-structural and line-by-line scaling constituents. The construction of two-component encoding is developed on the basis of the first code constituent, formed on the basis of elements of line of array of approximating sizes, presented as an adaptive position number with unequal elements. Grounded, that is arrived at additional increase of degree of compression of images due to the exception of statistical surplus, decline of psycho visual surplus and reduction of structural surplus. References[1] V.B. Kashkin, “Digital processing of aerospace pictures: Lecture Summaries”, - Krasnoyarsk: IPK SFU, 2008. -121 p. [2] V.V. Barannik, A.V. Yakovenko, A.Y. Shkolnik, ”The methodological analysis of a system for air and space video monitoring of emergency situations”, Suchasna spetsialna tekhnika, Kyiv: No.4(27).-2011.-P.12-22. [3] D.Salomon, “Compression of data, pictures and sound”,-M: Tekhnosfera, 2004. -368 p. [4] V.V. Barannik, Y.V. Stasev, N.A. Koroleva, “A structural – combinatoric data representation in automatic control systems”, Information processing systems, – Kharkov: Air Force University, 2009.-252p. [5] V.V. Barannik, A.Y. Shkolnik, N.A.Koroleva, “Information model of line-by-line scaling components of a picture fragment”, Information processing systems, Kharkiv: Air Force University. 2011.Vol.4. P.55-59. |
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Hahanov Vladimir, Dahiri Farid. Matrix Manipulation Algorithms for Hasse Processor Implementation
Vladimir Hahanov is with Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Computer Engineering Faculty, Kharkov, Ukraine, email: Farid Dahiri is with the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics,Computer Engineering Faculty, Design Automation Department, Kharkov, Ukraine. Abstract – The processor is implemented in software/hardware modules, which are based on the use of programming languages: C ++, Verilog, Python 2.7 and platforms: Microsoft Windows, X Window (in Unix and Linux) and Macintosh OS X. HDL-code generator makes it possible to automatically synthesize HDL-code of the processor structure from 1 to 16 bits for parallel processing corresponding number of input vectors or words. REFERENCES [1] Gorbatov V.A. Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematics / V.A. Gorbatov.– М.: Vysshaya Shkola.– 1986. – 311 p. [2] [3] [4] |
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A.S. Bagdasaryan, A.G. Kashenko, G.A. Kashenko, R.V. Semenov. Radio-Frequency Identification Systems on Set of Quality Parameters
Bagdasaryan A.S., is with IRE named after V.A. Kotelnikova RAS . E-mail: Kashenko A.G. is with Joint-Stock Company «Concern «Constellation». Kashenko G.A. is with Joint-Stock Company «Concern «Constellation». Semenov R.V. is with Joint-Stock Company «Concern «Constellation». Abstract – General methodical approach to a choice of the best variant of radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems on quality parameters set is considered. References[1] Yu.V. Gulyaev, V.V. Butenko, A.S. Bagdassarian, G.A. Kashchenko and R.V. Semenov, “Radio-frequency identification: a modern condition, scopes and development tendencies”, The Information and security, Voronezh: the Voronezh state technical university, 2007, №2, pp. 199-222. [2]. A.S. Bagdassarian, A.G. Kaschenko, G.A. Kashchenko, R.V. Semenov and E.G. Antsiferov, “Technique of indistinct multicriterion choice of variants of automatic identification systems”, The theory and techniques of a radio communication, JSC “Concern “Constellation”, Voronezh, 2012, v.4, pp. 106-118. [3] Yu.V. Gulyaev, V.I. Belonozhkin, A.S. Bagdassarian, A.G. Kaschenko, G.A. Kashchenko and R.V. Semenov “The application of radio-frequency identification technology in systems of antiterrorist protection of crucial objects, The Information and security, Voronezh: the Voronezh state technical university, 2010. v. 13, pp. 163-174. [4] Yu.V. Gulyaev, A.S. Bagdassarian, G.A. Kashchenko, R.V. Semenov, S.A. Bagdassarian, A.G. Kaschenko, “The modern a condition of problems of designing of systems of radio-frequency identification with acoustoelectronic components”, News of Academy of engineering sciences of A.N. Prokhorov. The anniversary collection devoted to the 20 anniversary of Academy of engineering sciences of the Russian Federation, Moscow - Nizhniy Novgorod, 2011, pp. 64-84. [5] Yu.V. Gulyaev, A.S. Bagdassarian, G.A. Kashchenko and R.V. Semenov, “The system the approach to designing of a complex of means of radio-frequency identification for protection of crucial objects against non-authorized access, The theory and techniques of a radio communication, JSC “Concern “Constellation”, Voronezh, 2011, v.1, pp.5-14. [6] V.V. Butenko, S.A. Bagdassarian, A.G. Kashchenko, G.A. Kashchenko and R.V. Semenov, “Choice of a variant of radio-frequency identification system on the basis of the modified method of the analysis of hierarchies”, Works of NIIR, FSUE NIIR, Мoscow, 2012, v. 4, pp. 3-8. |
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