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CoolDOC – Automatic source code documentation generator for object-oriented languages

cooldoc1The CoolDOC Product is a solution for documenting the source code and semantic dependencies of complex software systems. It is designed to give development teams and single developers the tool they need to catch the project internal problems on early stages, starting at the low-level small mistakes to architectural drawbacks, to reduce the time, required to research the unfamiliar systems, written by third-parties or other members of the team, simplify the routine source code documenting process, to serve as a bidirectional bridge between the semantic elements and their comments, which all gives significant benefits in project development and maintenance.
cooldoc2The CoolDOC automatically generates the documentation upon the source code of your project, which covers the dependencies at source code and semantic level. The CoolDOC can be currently used by C++, Java and Object Pascal developers, working on any platform, supporting Java Runtime Environment from Sun Microsystems. The CoolDOC Product generates the documentation, covering:

  • source code pages with colored tokens, with hyperlinks between the elements uses and their declarations, and code navigator
  • summarized hierarchical structure of the system from the top-level to primitives
  • navigation through the system interconnections
  • expanded documental comments
  • alphabetical index of the declared elements with filtering and searching possibilities
  • inheritance hierarchies
  • uses of the elements in the system.

Other important features of CoolDOC include:

  • possibility to comment source code using CoolDOC code commenting assistant
  • importing project structure and important settings from popular development environments
  • user-friendly intuitive GUI
  • easy extensibility to link other languages and importers from additional environments

CoolDOC is a shareware product, it can be downloaded and purchased online fromhttp://www.cooldocteam.com

Technologies: Java 1.4 (console, SWING), DHTML, JavaScript.

Tools: Borland JBuilder 5-9, Borland Optimizeit Suite, IntelliJ IDEA 3.0.

Man-days: 500

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