Chip-design Services
Chip-design Services:
IP Core design. Targeted to the specific FPGA/ASIC vendor or vendor independent IP; |
Design of the complete FPGA system; |
Design of SoC based on the Xilinx® PicoBlaze, MicroBlaze, IBM® PowerPC, Altera® Nios, ARM® ARM processors; |
Design & Verification of ASIC RTL level; |
System software design for various processors (ARM®, Intel®, MIPS®, IBM®, Texas Instruments®, others); |
Custom circuit board development (PCB). |
Design and Verification flow

Figure 1. Design and Verification flow
We use following tools for the design and verification stages:
1. For Design Entry and Verification we use: |
Mentor Graphics® Model Sim; |
Aldec® Active-HDL; |
Aldec® Riviera; |
Aldec® CoVer (for SoC HW/SW co-verification); |
2. SoC Design Entry: |
Altera Quartus, SOPC |
Xilinx ISE, EDK |
3. For Synthesis: |
Synplicity® Synplify |
Xilinx® XST for Xilinx® families |
Synopsys® DC for ASIC synthesis |
4. Implementation: |
Xilinx® Implementation |
Altera® Implementation |
Custom Circuit Board Development (PCB):
CAD-design (Altium Designer (DXP Protel), P-CAD 2004); |
Complete documentation; |
Manufacture of PCB prototypes. |
Professional, well-elaborated and individual CAD-design is provided by our CAD-Design team. We will help you to go through steps of the idea, the circuit diagram, the layout, the PCB and manufacturing of your board.
Distribution of Circuit Boards and Components in Ukraine.
If your company is interested in selling Circuit Boards and Electronic Components in Ukraine please contact us for further details how we can help you.