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KNURE research activities

Projects in Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics:

1. Equipment for high-speed access to Internet.
2. Regional automated control system of objects of natural gas industry.
3. Medical diagnosing system, based on analyzing of x-ray picture for analyzing bone system.
4. Medical diagnosing system, based on analyzing condition of urinary tracts.
5. System of full Internet access and data transfer via line radio nets
6. Telemetric complex of estimation characteristics of human walking
7. Informational analytic control system of technological drainage process
8. Digital video processor complex of television images processing in real
9. Thermal crack detection and thermography in aerospace industry and power engineering
10. Chemiluminescent complex CLC-1
11. Extremely sensitive waveguide sensors of the feedthrough power
12. Modern post communication information tecnologies
13. Modern complicated digital system technologies
14. Information security systems
15. Emergency situation (ES) Determination Information-analytic system
16. Complex program of creation and developing of National system of control of mobile objects (communication, navigation, observation) in 2005-2010
17. High-performance and pollution-free technologies and industrial SHF complexes for vacuum dehydration and sterilization of production of chemical, pharmaceutical, medical industries. Achieving high-quality building materials, thermo treatment of agricultural production and protection from diseases and plant pests
18. Distance secretive control tools of person’s psycho physiological indexes for protection of airports, customs, ports, railway stations by supervisory services
19. Informational analytic system for Universities (IASU)
20. Microscope that allows to scan microwaves for investigation of physic mechanical and electrophysical parameters of materials in microelectronics
21. Automated technologies and CTP components complex control equipment applied to production and operation of fiber-optic transmission system.
22. Profilometer “Kharkov” for measurement of wind field of velocity
23. Speech technologies. Person identification by speech (the scope of speech is limited)
24. Technologies of remote education

1. Equipment for high-speed access to Internet
Hardware solutions of digital compression “Antares-115” and “Vega 2000”:

  • High-speed access to Internet via existing phone lines;
  • Transferring of audio, video information in real-time mode.

Application: Digital Compression devices have been certified by Ukrainian UkrSEPRO and Russian ССС. It have been received awards on several international exhibitions, including CeBIT 2003 (Hanover, Germany). Mass production of the devices is done by “Еlteh” (Kharkov). Devices are used by “UkrTelecom”.
Department РЭС.

2. Regional automated control system of objects of natural gas industry

Developed system is the 1st one in Ukraine that utilizes world achievements in the area of geoinformation technologies and has 3 levels (region, branch, production division). System incorporates following subsystems:

  • “Exploitation and issuing of passports to natural gas industry objects”;
  • “Supervisory control”;
  • “Development and reconstruction of gas nets”;

Application: Production division of joint-stock company “KharkovGas”.
Departments ИКГ and ПМ.

3. Medical diagnosing system, based on analyzing of x-ray picture for analyzing bone system:

  • OsteoBaseV.2 system for complex diagnosing of osteoporosis;
  • FootStep V.1 system for diagnosing level of footstep deformation;
  • SpineAngle V.1 module for measuring level of backbone kyphosis;
  • SpineIndex V.1 module for measuring level of vertebra osteoporosis;
  • X-Rays V.4 module for measuring roentgenomorphometry indexes of osteoporosis.

Application: Departments of traumatology, orthopedy, pediatrics, prosthesis of hospitals of Kharkov city.
Department БМЭ.

4. Medical diagnosing system, based on analyzing condition of urinary tracts:

  • UroBase V.1 – system for complex diagnostic of benign hyperplasia of urinary gland;
  • Software module for measuring of quantitative indexes in excretory urography – ExUro V.1;
  • Проведение неинвазивных уродинамических исследований мужчин в клинических условиях;
  • Processing of results of excretory urography, creation of urography cards and measuring speed of urine passage.

Application: Departments of traumatology, pediatrics, urology of hospitals of Kharkov city.
Department БМЭ.

5. System of full Internet access and data transfer via line radio nets

System allows full Internet access, creation of complex systems of collection and processing of data for registration of energy supplies, control of house equipment, other economic objects.

Application: public corporation “UkrTelecom”, Kharkov city.
No analogs in Ukraine.

6. Telemetric complex of estimation characteristics of human walking

Telemetric complex can be intensively used for:

  • Selection of proper artificial limbs;
  • defect attack of inferior limbs;
  • Rehabilitation of posttraumatic patients;
  • Diagnostics and rehabilitation of the sportsmen;
  • Correction of walking in the sanitary complexes;

Application: Research institute of prosthesis, prosthetic device construction and ability to work recovering.
No analogues in Ukraine.

7.Informational analytic control system of technological drainage process


  • geographic information technologies of recovery works control for drainage system;
  • Resources protection and ecological safe-technologies of efficient-dispatch collecting and water-pumping stations control.

Application: public enterprise and utility company “Kharkovkommunochistvod”.
No analogues in Ukraine and Russia.
Applied Mathematics Department.

8. Digital video processor complex of television images processing in real time

  • Ether design and images correction in real time;
  • Editing realization from two external admission video signal sources to one master- output and data distribution in time of automation ether broadcasting.

Application: DOG Radio and Television Company, Donetsk.
Economical benefit: $40 000.
Electronic Computer Department.

9. Thermal crack detection and thermography in aerospace industry and power engineering

  • Crack detection technologies of materials and aerospace technique productions;
  • Prediction of power equipment serviceable life;
  • Thermal loss detection in dwelling houses an industrial structures.

Application: Chief design office “Juzhnoe”, Dnepropetrovsk.
Economical benefit: $20 000.
Physics Department.

10. Chemiluminescent complex CLC-1

Field of application:

  • Control the state of the patients in time of physiotherapy (ozonotherapy);
  • Research the influence of the radiation emanation on the human organism;
  • Research the influence of the foodstuffs.

Application: This complex is tested by the Institute of Ozonotherapy and Medical facilities.
Social effect: Increase the quality of the oxidant therapy (ozonotherapy). Increase the quality of the foodstuffs and decreaseing it’s prime cost.
Biomedical Electronics Department.

11. Extremely sensitive waveguide sensors of the feedthrough power

Improved sensors for microwave multimeter with integrated amplifier, which allows expand range measuring powers in the side of small values. Integrated in ADC sensors allow connect sensors directly to computer system.
MMT Department.

12. Modern post communication information tecnologies

  • Automatic register process and control registered mail transmission system. Implemented by international projects World Post Union (WPU). Passing for introduction in 442 post communication Ukrainian objects.
  • Automatic system for preparation accompanying documents on periodic transactions drawings. Incalcated in the few cities of Ukraine.
  • Automatic group post delivering processing system. Applied in “Ukrpochta” management (Kiev).

Economic effect form introduction is $2 255 000. per year.
System Engenering Department.

13. Modern complicated digital system technologies.

Software means of generating system on chip tests reduse design time on 70% and increase fault tolerance of complete product. This system excels some foreign analogs in speed and quality of the tests. Ukraine has no analogs.

Application:educational process KTURE, in Active-HDL modeling system product of Aldec USA.
Design Automation Department.

14. Information security systems

Soft hardware cryptographic information protection:

  • “Secure disks”;
  • “Secure corporate computer network”;
  • “Keys manipulation center Lotus IIT-PKI”;
  • “Secure mail client”.

Application: Government, National Space Agency of Ukraine, Oil Joins Stock Company “Neftegaz” of Ukraine.

15. Emergency situation (ES) Determination Information-analytic system

  • “Notification registering, ES and meteorological conditions;
  • ES classification;
  • Potential danger objects monitoring;
  • geographic information system;
  • ES modeling and prediction;

Application: Main administration on ES and protection people from Chernobil disaster (CD) problems.
Effect: Allows essentially decrease costs for localization and CD liquidation, as well as amount of suffer people.
Systems engineering Department.

16. Complex program of creation and developing of National system of control of mobile objects (communication, navigation, observation) in 2005-2010

Application of modern and perspective technologies and achievements to create new level of effectiveness and safety for mobile(moving) objects :

  • Applicable to all types of transport facility (ground-bases, air, sea transport);
  • General network of data base;
  • Information presented by various levels of accuracy.


17. High-performance and pollution-free technologies and industrial SHF complexes for vacuum dehydration and sterilization of production of chemical, pharmaceutical, medical industries. Achieving high-quality building materials, thermo treatment of agricultural production and protection from diseases and plant pests

In comparison with world analogs, novelty is absence of expensive mineral oil and gas in technologies of thermal treatment. Modular architecture of utility allows easy and quick replacement of modules for service or repairing, or sanitation procedures; reduces electricity and water consumption.

18. Distance secretive control tools of person’s psycho physiological indexes for protection of airports, customs, ports, railway stations by supervisory services

Project is intended to increase of quality of the technical control of passengers flow in airports, customs, ports, railway stations by creating computer-based safety system. The goal is to decrease terrorist activity (organizations), drug traffic, transportation of weapon, etc. And it can be part of approved program of actions of U.N.O., where Ukraine presented as viewer.

System can be applied in defence Department, criminalistics, medicine, sports, professional inspection of future employees.
РЭУ Department.

19. Informational analytic system for Universities (IASU)

IASU – new integrated product, which intended to achieving control/managing goals in Ukrainian colleges. IASU consist of interdependent modules: “Personnel Department”, “Education”, “Dean’s office”, “chancellery”, “budget Department”, “Archives”, “Science”, “Post-graduate study”, “Administrative Department”, “Retraining “.

Application: IASU provides exact and reliable information for all subdivisions of university, automation of office work.
ИУС Department.

20. Microscope that allows to scan microwaves for investigation of physic mechanical and electrophysical parameters of materials in microelectronics.

Distinctive features are high sensitivity and ability of division during measuring process.
МЭПУ Department.

21. Automated technologies and CTP components complex control equipment applied to production and operation of fiber-optic transmission system.

ТАПР Department.

22. Profilometer “Kharkov” for measurement of wind field of velocity

The device is used to measure the wind direction and field of velocity at height of 1…10km.

23. Speech technologies. Person identification by speech (the scope of speech is limited)

The computer system is used to run phonoscope identification expertise and consultations.
Computer Software Department.

24. Technologies of remote education

The new courseware production technologies have been developed. They enable to receive high-quality education using up-to-date remote education technologies. The courseware includes the following:

  • electronic textbook “Computer electronics”;
  • computer system of knowledge testing;
  • system of remote education management.

Application: Universities and colleges of Kharkov, Ukraine.
Remote Education Center.

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