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DataArt Labs

DataArt Labs are laboratories where talented, creative and hard working students, postgraduate students, research workers and employees solve urgent problems of the IT industry using the academic knowledge acquired in the course of training and studies. The students who have the initiative can considerably raise their living standard, gain experience of practical development and moral satisfaction from adoption of created products on the IT market.

The center organized on the basis of Kharkov State University of Radio Electronics allows combining educational process with practical use of the acquired knowledge. Without dropping the studies the students enjoy a unique opportunity of participating in each stage of software development: marketing research, communication with foreign customers, software development and deployment, receiving thanks and bonuses for the successfully completed work.

DataArt Labs activities are supported by the University at all levels.

Mikhail Bondarenko, the head of the University, comments on the launch of DataArt Lab: The University has always been on a par with the world standards in the specialist training, which may be attributed to the introduction of the up-to-date radio-electronic technologies and innovative schemes in the educational process.

What helps us in this respect is the cooperation with the leading companies with focus on the labor market requirements.

The academic process at the University is open to the positive changes in the business and high-tech environment offered by the IT industry. Therefore, DataArt Labs is just another chance for our students and employees to hit their stride in the global market through cooperative realization of the technologic and educational projects.

DataArt Labs Structure

University Side:

The University provides DataArt Labs with a well-equipped room and comfortable working environment. The University supports DataArt Labs from the academic point of view; Labs activities are maintained by Vladimir Khakhanov, the dean of the computer engineering and management department. Also, a laboratory manager is assigned from among the working students for the purpose of coordination of work activities.

DataArt’s Side:

DataArt assigns a technical expert-coordinator to the laboratory whose duties include assistance in obtaining new projects, coordination of Labs participants project work. The main tasks of the coordinator are the analysis of project progress, potential risks, and risk minimization. This person also performs the role of the project technical leader.

Information and Technical Support

Each of the DataArt Labs participants has access to all DataArt’s technical and information resources, the company’s knowledge database, expert advice:

  • MSDN library
  • The data located in the DataArt’s inner SharePoint storage
  • DataArt’s library of technical literature
  • DataArt’s professional internal seminars
  • Specific internal mailing lists where all Labs participants can address their questions to DataArt’s experts

We are able to develop:

  • Commercial web sites
  • Web sites of online communities
  • Search systems
  • E-commercial systems
  • Enterprise Resource Planning systems
  • File share systems
  • Distant studying systems

Used technologies:

Java, ASP.NET (C#, VB.NET);
ASP, PHP, Perl;
JavaScript, JScript, VBScript;
Databases MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Oracle, DB2
Servers Apache, IIS, Jakarta Tomcat, JBoss API CGI, FastCGI, ISAPI
Protocols TCP/IP, Sockets, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, SOAP, XML-RPC, IMAP custom protocols
Tools Visual Studio, VisualStudio.NET, ZendStudio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, CVS, SVN, Macromedia Flash MX, Maya 3D, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 3D Max
Java 2EE, J2SE, EJB, JSP/Servlets, Jakarta Struts Framework, Tiles, JDBC, Applets, Applet-Servlet bundles, JavaBeans, JavaMail, JAF, JDom, Jakarta Commons Libraries, Hibernate, JUnit, Log4J, Jakarta Ant
PHP PEAR, Smarty, Seagull, phpUnit, SimpleTest

Project Time Tracking

Project time is tracked in DataArt universal time tracking system – Project Management.

Legal Support

DataArt may offer legal support to the project upon the customer’s request.

Contact information:

Igor Yemelyanov


Cell: +380 (97) 205-47-05

Skype: V1kingos

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